Aim and scope

The CLILLAC-ARP research team at the University of Paris Diderot, in collaboration with the LaTTiCe (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris 3 University, CNRS), will be holding an international linguistics conference on Tense, Aspect, Modality – Evidentiality. The conference aims to gather researchers working on TAME-E in one or more of the following research areas:

-  Comparative linguistics: any typological, contrastive and/or crosslinguistic approach to an issue related to the description of TAM-E systems.

-  Cognitive linguistics: research exploring links between epistemic modality, evidentiality or mirativity and mental/cognitive representations.

-  Theoretical linguistics: any theoretical perspective on at least one aspect of TAM-E.

-  Applied linguistics: first or second language acquisition of at least one aspect of TAM-E systems.


We received submissions from 28 different countries (France, USA, Canada, Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Estonia, Holland, Norway, Georgia, Finland, Greece, Belgium, India, Romania, England, Germany, Italy, Poland, Japan, Israel, China, Algeria, Danemark, Brasil, Saudi Arabia) targeting 34 different languages (Arabic, French, Chinese, Guaraní, Spanish, Guadeloupean Creole, German, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Estonian, Panará, Hungarian, Swahili, Polish, Italian, Georgian, Latvian, Livoninan, Xhosa, Odia, Romanian, Turkish, Kurmanji Kurd, Tibetan, English, Russian, Esperanto, Hebrew, Basque, Czech, Dutch, Sanzhi Dargwa, Catalan). 

Submissions were reviewed and authors were notified on June 30, 2016. Thank you!


Congratulations to Oliver Wicher whose talk was rewarded as the best talk by a graduate student.

Plenary speakers

We are delighted to welcome:

Gosselin Laurent (Université de Rouen)

Michaelis Laura (University of Colorado, Boulder)

Sorace Antonella (University of Edinburgh)

Tournadre Nicolas (Université d’Aix-Marseille, Institut Universitaire de France)

Croft William (University of New Mexico) - via videoconferencing

They are available here.

Key dates

March 15: Abstract submission starts

May 10 : Abstract submission deadline

June 30: Notification of acceptance

July 1 – September 15 : Early bird registration (100 euros; 50 euros for graduate students)

September 16 – November 16: regular registration (130 euros; 50 euros for graduate students)

November 17: Registration closes

Register fees include coffee breaks and the reception on November 18. Les frais d'inscription comprennent les pauses-café et le cocktail de clôture du colloque le vendredi 18 novembre. 

Conference dinner (40 euros) - IMPORTANT: the deadline to sign up for the conference dinner is October 15.


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